Partners in Mission in Guatemala - PIMIG

Primary and Secondary Education – where would we be without it?  In tough shape!  That’s why, for many, many years, a priority of St. Anne’s mission work in Guatemala has been to provide dollars to families so that children can go to school.  And it’s that basic – so that they can have books, desks and other classroom essentials at the Primary level (school is provided by the government up to 6th grade at no charge) and so that they can attend at all at the Secondary level (fees or scholarships required). A generous endowment, set up years ago by a St. Anne’s parishioner, provides funds annually for the scholarships. 

This year, we have received a request to provide funds for school desks at the Primary level.  No more sitting on the floor or on benches with no place to write!  Funds for efforts like this come from individual donors like you every spring as we lead up to Mother’s Day.  This year’s focus is on Health and Education --- and for Education, it’s all about the desks!  Each desk costs approximately $25 and the goal is 300 desks.  St. Anne’s has provided 163 to date!

The children are thrilled to go to school – let’s give them the basic equipment that they need to succeed!

Celebrate your special Mom this year – send a desk or two (or three!) in her honor!  Make a gift by check (note Guatemala in the memo line) or online at (click on ‘Donate using Realm’ and then click on Partners in Mission/Guatemala).  We rejoice in your gift and in this project!


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